This coming Tuesday we're meeting at Keith's (a Physician's wife) house again for taco salad! She is the wife that opened her house up to us for our Kick-Off Event.
Bring a friend and also bring your questions about medical school, residency, and everything else you would like to know about what you and your man are getting into!
Time: 6:30pm
Address: 3017 Rock Ridge Place
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Directions: From the intersection of North May and Hefner, go one short block north to the light and take the immediate left/west turn onto Quail Creek Road. (Quail Creek intersects May Avenue twice—once north of 122nd and once south of it—this is the southern one.) Go straight through the four-way stop and take the next turn right/north ontoRockridge. The street goes ½ block north and then turns west. Our home is the one that looks like a barn on the north/right side of the street.
RSVP: Beka at 405.625.2287 or e-mail us at
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Don't worry if you forgot to RSVP. You are always welcome to the events.