Wednesday, July 29, 2009

KICK-OFF Event!!

"What is this Alliance all about?"

When: September 3, 2009

Time: 7:00pm

Hostess: Keith Oehlert (doctor's wife associated with AMA)

Where: 3017 Rock Ridge Place

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120
Cell: 405 590 6216 (call liberally)

Directions: From the intersection of North May Avenue and Hefner, go one short block north to the light and take the immediate left/west turn onto Quail Creek Road. (Quail Creek intersects May Avenue twice—once north of 122nd and once south of it—this is the southern one.) Go straight through the four-way stop and take the next turn right/north ontoRockridge. The street goes ½ block north and then turns west. Our home is the one that looks like a barn on the north/right side of the street.

This is our first big event of the year and we would love to see you all there. This is where all us ladies get together to socialize and get to know the new ladies whose husbands/significant other had just started medical school. It is a great way to meet new people and to talk to someone who is going through what you are. Food and Drinks are provided.



  1. I'm so glad that a blog has been born! It will make it so much easier to keep up with activities and each other. Thanks!
    Sarah Warnick (2nd year spouse)

  2. Thank you Tiffany for putting this blog together! I love it! Like Sarah said, it's going to make keeping up with everyone soooo much easier!

    Congratulations to Andrea Steiner on her new engagement to "XY" (not sure how you spell his name :P )! Very exciting! When you get the time Andrea, tell us some of the how he proposed for starters :)...

  3. I have only ever made it to two events {I think}...Im so busy, I always miss the emails and such...Very excited for this blog, hopefully it will help me to make some of the events!!! I feel like I have missed out!

  4. This is a great idea. I'm the spouse of a 4th year and glad to be included. Mary Enright-Olson

  5. As a medical school spouse, I can attest that you need a support system! I recently wrote an article about it, which may be of interest to you: I also wrote another post about it on my personal blog a few months ago:

    Good luck to you, ladies!

    Also, just noticed you're in Oklahoma - though born and raised in Britain, I'm went to OU and married a true blue Okie! We live in Boston now, but are definitely coming back to Oklahoma soon. Boomer Sooner!
